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use one hit KO moves and full restors.

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Q: How do you beat Cyrus in Celestic town in Pokemon Platinum?
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Where can you get surf in platinum?

you get it from the Celestic Town elder after you beat Cyrus

How do you use HM surf in Pokemon platinum?

lol dude platinum is on ds not gba thats the hoen reagons not the sinoh

Were is Cyrus when you have beat him once on Pokemon platinum?

1st time you battle him is at Celestic Town2nd time is at the team galactic HQ which is in veilstone 3rd and final time is in the distortion world.

Where do you get swim in Pokemon platinum?

You get swim from the eldest person in celestic town and then beat heartthrome gym

You can not find the hiden move surf in Pokemon platinum version?

Yes you can I think Cynthia's mother gives it to you after you beat the Galactic Grunt and Cyrus (for the first time) in front of the cave in Celestic Town.

Where can you find the move surf in Pokemon planinum?

Cynthia gives it to you after you beat Cyrus in celestic town's ruins

Where is the masterball on Pokemon Platinum?

You get a masterball after you beat Cyrus in the galactic HQ

Pokemon platinum how to find giritina?

you have to beat Cyrus in the distortion world

Can you re-battle Cyrus in Pokemon platinum?

No. After you beat Cyrus for the third time, he leaves and never returns.

How do you open the shrine in Celestic town in Pokemon Platinum?

Beat the elite 4 and give the ruby and sapphire to the guy on island 1

What is the best team to beat Cyrus in the Distortion World in Pokemon Platinum?

i beat Cyrus with a torterralv50 houndoomlv45 haunterlv49 crobatv49 gyaradoslv43 and a lucario lv50

Where is garitina in Pokemon platinum?

He is in the distoration world, after you beat cyrus. He will be around level 47.