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The odds of getting a Ghost Rare card is 1 in 36 Boxes.

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Q: What are the odds of getting a Ghost Rare Ancient Fairy Dragon?
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What are the odds of getting a Ghost Rare power tool dragon?

not very high get one on eBay or a friend that's how i got ghost rare ancient fairy dragon ( he he i traded it for exodius the ultimate forrbiden lord which sucks)

What is good against giratina?

Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Fairy, and Ice type moves are Super Effective against Giratina

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Here is a list with the English names of the confirmed Pokémon from the sixth Generation (Pokémon X and Y):Chespin (Grass Starter)Quilladin (Chespin's evo.)Chesnaught (Quiladin's evo. - Grass and Fighting)Froakie (Water Starter)Frogadier (Froakie's evo.)Greninja (Frogadier's evo. - Water ad Dark)Fennekin (Fire Starter)Braixen (Fennekin's evo.)Delphox (Braixen's evo. - Fire and Psychic)Sylveon (Fairy Evo. of Eevee)Pancham (Fighting)Pangoro (Fighting and Dark)Fletchling (Normal and Flying)Fletchinder (Fire and Flying)Talonflame (Fire and Flying)Skiddo (Grass)Gogoat (Grass)Helioptile (Electric and Normal)Heliolisk (Electric and Normal)Scatterbug (Bug)Spewpa (Bug)Vivillon (Bug and Flying)Noibat (Flying and Dragon)Noivern (Flying and Dragon)Hawlucha (Fighting and Flying)Gloomy (Dragon)Sliggoo (Dragon)Goodra (Dragon)Clauncher (Water)Clawitzer (Water)Skrelp (Poison and Water)Dragalge (Poison and Dragon)Litleo (Fire and Normal)Pyroar (Fire and Normal)Flabébé (Fairy)Floette (Fairy)Florges (Fairy)Honedge (Steel and Ghost)Doublade (Steel and Ghost)Aegislash (Steel and Ghost)Inkay (Dark and Psychic)Malamar (Dark and Psychic)Swirlix (Fairy)Slurpuff (Fairy)Spritzee (Fairy)Aromatisse (Fairy)Dedenne (Electric and Fairy)Bunnelby (Normal)Diggersby (Normal and Ground)Furfrou (Normal)Klefki (Steel and Fairy)Bergmite (Ice)Avalugg (Ice)Phantump (Ghost and Grass)Trevenant (Ghost and Grass)Pumpkaboo (Ghost and Grass)Gourgeist (Ghost and Grass)Espurr (Psychic)Meowstic (Psychic)Carbink (Rock and Fairy)Binacle (Rock and Water)Barbaracle (Rock and Water)Tyrunt (Fossil Pokémon -Rock and Dragon-)Tyrantrum (Rock and Dragon)Amaura (Fossil Pokémon -Rock and Ice-)Aurorus (Rock and Ice)Xerneas (Pokémon X legendary -Fairy-)Yveltal (Pokémon Y legendary -Dark and Flying-)Zygarde (Dragon and Ground)You can check the related questions to see the Pokémon with a Mega Evolution.

Why do you have to wear a costume on Halloween?

to scare the ghost I know ghost are not afraid of fairy princess or a princess or a fairy but its true

How do you hatch a ghost dragon on wizard101?

The only day that you can get the ghost dragon hybrid is in halloween but it is not the same ghost dragon that you can buy at the crown shop during in october.

How do you breed ghost dragon in Dragon City?

sea dragon+earth dragon

Is Giratina a ghost type of pokemon?

It is a Ghost/Dragon pokemon.

She is invisble tooth fairy you saw her you were scared cos it was a ghost?

it wasn't a ghost it was me..................... i know where you live!

What type is the Pokemon Mimikyu?

Mimikyu is a Ghost-Fairy type, and it was introduced in the Generation 7 games, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.

Why did they call the titanic the ghost of the ancient times?

Titanic was not called the Ghost of the Ancient Times.

What type is giritina?


Is casper the ghost a fairy tale?

Casper the Friendly Ghost is considered a fictional character rather than a fairy tale. He was created as a comic book and cartoon character, and his stories typically involve adventures with him and his human friends. Fairy tales typically involve magical creatures, moral lessons, and often have a traditional oral storytelling origin.