Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Fairy, and Ice type moves are Super Effective against Giratina
Giratina is weak against: Ice: 2X Ghost: 2X Dragon: 2X Dark: 2X
Baby hippo, Unknown.
It's own kind (dragon or gohst)
Darkrai is good and so is giratina but my opinion giritina is better he can learn shadow sneak and lots of other cool moves :O :D
Hey man, whatever floats your boat.
giratina, palkia, dialga, gyrados, tyrantar, dragonite or use action replay, that always works
Giratina is weak against: Ice: 2X Ghost: 2X Dragon: 2X Dark: 2X
Giratina is good and dialga and palkia are bad because they get in a fight
You can find Giratina in the Distron world, you have to battle and win against Cyrus, the Team Galactic's Boss and then you will be able to battle and catch Giratina.
well empoleon is really useful to kick ass garchomp and infernape is great to use against lucario and luxray is useful against togekiss, dialga is great against milotic infernape is great against roserade giratina is good against spritomb. that's all.
Yes, Giratina is a good Pokemon. It is one of the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum and Explorers of Sky.
First you go to mt.cornet, then on spear pillar you will enter to a portal that will send to the distortion world, you will fight against cyrus, and you will fight against giratina, hoped it helped.
Rotom,Starter pokemon,staraptor,luxray,metegross,giratina,al lvl 51 and over
give it a good hubbahubba, then it will tell you.
Baby hippo, Unknown.
It's own kind (dragon or gohst)