(Fire, Grass and Water)
1st Gen: Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle.
2nd Gen: Cyndaquil, Chikorita and Totodile.
3rd Gen: Torchic, Treecko and Mudkip.
4th Gen: Chimchar, Turtwig and Piplup.
5th Gen: Tepig, Snivy and Oshawott.
6th Gen: Fennekin, Chespin and Froakie.
No matter what game of Pokemon you play to get all the starters you have to trade with the other versions.
Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. Pokemon X and Y will be released for the TCG and on 3DS in Fall 2013.
It is not possible to get all three starters in Pokemon LeafGreen without trading. This was an intended mechanic to encourage interaction between players.
Well, there are actually 4 fire starters and they are Charmander from Kanto, Cyndaquil from Johto, Torchic from Hoenn and Chimchar from Sinnoh
Yes you get starters on all Pokemon games.
No matter what game of Pokemon you play to get all the starters you have to trade with the other versions.
You can first collect all of the Pokemon for the hoen dex in Pokemon emerald you will get 1 of the 3 Pokemon gold/silver/crystle series starters then use the get all of the starters trick to get them all then migrate them to Pokemon diamond or pearl.
Starters are intended to be rare, one-of-a-kind Pokemon. That's not to say there hasn't been a main series Pokemon game that has allowed you to get all of the starters, though - in Pokemon Yellow, you could get all three starters available at the time.
Yes! No, only the Jhoto starters.
his Pokemon suck
you will have to trade Pokemon with Friends
To obtain all three starters you need to trade with someone.
Sorry, but the only way to get all the starters from Pokemon Crystal to Fire Red or to Pokemon Emerald is to get a gameshark and do it from there.
you get them by catching all 200 Pokemon
The 3 starters are: Chikorita (grass) Cyndaquil (fire) Totodile (water)