No matter what game of Pokemon you play to get all the starters you have to trade with the other versions.
It is not possible to get all three starters in Pokemon LeafGreen without trading. This was an intended mechanic to encourage interaction between players.
You must trade with another firered or leafgreen.
No, you can only get all starters without trading in Pokemon yellow, but Leaf Green is a newer version of Pokemon green, so it's impossible.
No. The starters are: Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle
u cant only if u trade or transfer from firered or leafgreen bye!
All starters, including Bulbasaur, can't be caught in Pokemon LeafGreen.
It is not possible to get all three starters in Pokemon LeafGreen without trading. This was an intended mechanic to encourage interaction between players.
it is bulbasaur ,squirtle, and charmender
You must trade with another firered or leafgreen.
No, you can only get all starters without trading in Pokemon yellow, but Leaf Green is a newer version of Pokemon green, so it's impossible.
emerald isn't on there
No way you can't get a johto starter Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen. The only way is to trade with someone to get it.
Just migrate from the past games Pokemon leafgreen/firered or ruby/Sapphire/emerald. Then you will have them all.
all level hundred starters,than lvl hundred ledgendaries.
Bulbasaur, charmander and squirtle. like in Pokemon fire red
No. The starters are: Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle
you can get them by either filling all your pokedex in emerald and talk to professor birch and then migrating them or AR.