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first,second,thirdfourth and fifth generation

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Q: What are the five generations?
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How many generations of iPod are there?

There are many different generations of each iPod. With many different models, the most popular is the iPod Touch, which has had five generations.

How many generations of the iPod have there been?

As of January 24th, 2010, there have been five.

How many generations are considered when doing a will?

However many generations they wish. In general it cannot be more than four or five due to the Rule of Perpetuities.

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The lineage of this breed of dog can typically be traced back for about five to six generations in their pedigree.

How many computer generations are there up to now?

many five types generation of computer

Honda Prelude speed sensor?

It depends on which version of Prelude (there were five generations) you are referring to.

Notes on different generation of computer?

generations of computersThere are actually FIVE generations of computers.The first generation of electronic computers were made of vacuum tubes and they were big as a room.

What generations is a great great great great niece?

Your niece is separated from you by one generation. Your great great great great niece is separated from you by five (5) generations.

What factors is used to distinguish between the five generations of computer?

Mostly the hardware technology they were built with.

The five different generations of programmming languages?

al braine cabri zot fer bien ta

Generics is most similar to?

The Five Generations of Computers were all not exact and some overlap in technologies exist.

What are five examples of culture?

a way of life, education, generations and ancestors (cant think of any more sorry)