

Best Answer

Cake is her favorite thing, but she likes these things too

Normal Items

Yarn, Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Curry Bread

Cooked Items

Risotto, Dry Curry, Curry Noodles, Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Doria, Grautin, Elli Leaves

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Q: What are the favorite things of Celia in harvest moon D.S light?
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How do you connect Harvest Moon DS cute to harvest moon more friends of mineral town?

to connect you need both games and a ds or ds light [a dsi or dsxl dose not work] you put both games in the system game boy game in the game boy slot and the ds game in the ds slot] and play harvest moon ds cute. it also tells you how to do this in the harvest moon ds cute guide. it only connects to harvest moon ds cute because harvest moon more friends of mineral town is older and can not connect to a new anything because the programing did not exist before it came out

In Fable 2 when is the correct time to donate to the temple of light?

once you have donated enough money at any time the monk will tell you about the harvest benifactor, after that donate between 12 and 1pm

Where is the first seedling of hope to save the mother tree on harvest moon tree of tranquility?

To find the first one talk to Jin while he is working in the clinic.Then you head up to the light house to pick it up and plant it in the middle of the old tree at goddess spring here is a hint it dies

What does the red light on your xbox do?

Depends it can show it that its turned on or it can show you many other things like 1 flashing light motherboard failed so unplugg everything and take out harddrive and then put it all back together 3 lights flashing light of death so it also can tell you what errors you have with xbox.

What are some non living things that begin with the letter L?

Lace, ladder, lamp, lava, ledger, letter, lifeboat, light, lipstick, loafers, lock, lotion, lunch and lute are non-living things. They begin with the letter L.

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Is harvest a noun verb adverb or an adjective?

Noun: "We had a good corn harvest this year."Verb: "We will harvest the corn next week."Adjective: "We will eat corn by the light of the harvest moon."

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Jack Frost is a fictional character. He is known as turning things to ice. So perhaps white or light blue.

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Buy a torch?

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her favorite color is light blue

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Light does not absorb things. Light can be absorbed by things.

What is Jack Frost's favorite color?

Jack Frost is a fictional character. He is known as turning things to ice. So perhaps white or light blue.

Why is the Harvest Moon named the Harvest Moon?

It's orange, which usually means harvesting and things farm-ish. A lot of old time farmers think it's best to harvest your crops then. But many confuse it with the hunters moon, which is also called the "Blood" moon. Harvest Moon happens on the first full moon after the Hunter's Moon. In actuality, it's just a planets (Venus, I believe) light reflecting off the moons surface, making it orange.

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Her favorite color is light blue

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Have it towed to a trusted garage for diagnoses and repair.

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