Its impossible unless you went to an event in 2006.
this is it: 52247d8c 582000c0 12247d8a 00004801 02247d8c e0021c39 02247d90 000000fb d2000000 00000000
Your Game most have corrupt by the use of actio replay.
Oh dear...Bad eggs Are a result of using action replay.
you need an action replay.
The thing you can do is do your self not use action replay you can't use action replay in heart event you can use only in time,money and house upgrade but not heart event if you want to finish do your self not use the action replay! see ya!
Oh, my friend, I understand your desire to have plenty of heart scales for your Pokémon. Remember, it's important to enjoy the journey of collecting them naturally through fishing and exploring. Each heart scale you find will hold a special memory of your adventure, making your Pokémon's bond with you even stronger. Just take your time, enjoy the process, and soon you'll have all the heart scales you need.
You Suicide.
go to necko seeker
you can't unless you go to a event or have action replay
yes you just have to put them in yourself
You must get it from in a event from wi-fi unless you have an action replay.
Its impossible unless you went to an event in 2006. have all the codes for japan Europe north America and they have different kinds hope i helpedThere are thousands of action replay codes for heart gold but codejunkies has a few
There's so many codes that it would take forever to list them all here. You should ask for specific codes.
action replay max does but shouldn't(does not work) and i am not sure if the regular action replay does.
You might have to many codes turned on at once. That happened to me with my SoulSilver game.