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Honestly, compared to the other platforms, there aren't any.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of the Xbox?
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What are disadvantages of the xbox360?

You have to pay for xbox live.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the xbox 360?

Advantages: Perfect Xbox Live Connection. Voice Message. Text Message. In-game chat. Games are really good. And more i don't know LOL. Disadvantages No built-in Wifi. Pay for online. Very loud. Eats lots of electricity. RROD (Red Ring Of Death) No browser. Massive power block. Overheat. I recommend a PS3.

What are the disadvantages of a Xbox?

no free internet but its worth it doesnt lagg. no blue ray. But just get DVD same thing as long as you have a working T.V. I switched from PS3 to XBOX 360 ELITE. And its worth it. Its more FPS (frames per second) than PS3 and its not a lie.

Is xbox elite better than a ps3?

Both consoles have there advantages and disadvantages. edit- if someone says one is better than the other then they will probally have the one they are going for or they have the one they hate and havent tryed the other one. like if i had an xbox (i have newest xbox and ps3) but if i only had an xbox then i could say they are better because i like it but if i dont like the xbox i could say PS3 is better because other people say it is or i dont want to try it myself. you should try them both out, pick for yourself.

What was the Xbox released after Xbox 360?

no it wasn't. Xbox > xbox 360 > xbox one

What was Xbox first edition called?

Xbox, origonal xbox, xbox origonal. Xbox at the time.

Which is better Xbox or Xbox 360?

xbox 360.The Xbox 360 is the best as it can run games for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360.

Which Xbox is better Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox Pro Xbox Elite etc.?

the Xbox is a great console for any gamer. In my opinion the Xbox 360 is the best.

What are the same about xBox 360 and xBox?

They are both have Xbox in their name and they both play Xbox games but NOT Xbox 360

How many different Xbox are there?

xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite

How do you chat with people on the Xbox without being on the Xbox?

If you chat with people on the xbox without being on the xbox then you are not on the xbox so can't chat with people on the xbox

Does Xbox 360 do backward compatibility with Xbox games?

The Xbox 360 can play original Xbox games but the Xbox doesnt play Xbox 360 games.