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Left shoulder button is R key and right shoulder button is A key/select is Backspace key and start is ENTER

hope i helped-randoman

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Q: What are the buttons for l r select and start on vba?
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What are the buttons on vba?

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What are the L plus R buttons for vba?

If you press on joystick you can change them.

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you have to hold L+R+select+start and if that does not work one of your buttons are broken.

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Press L+R+START+SELECTcouldn't the person that wrote above this have gone more into detail? sheesh.. you have to press L+R+start+select AT THE SAME start & select i do mean the buttons labeled start & select not X which is start in my game...hope i helped & good luck!-leslie

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No, the Game Boy Advance SP does not have an F2 button. The buttons are A, B, L, R, Select, and Start.

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what about them you have to be morre specific than that for people to answer your questions! The Ds lite buttons are A, b, x, y, start, select, L trigger, r trigger, up, down, right, left

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the r+l button+select

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what you do is you go to the optoins section on the vba the go to joypad then go to configure then go to 1 and you will see them right there

HELP what if you cant unlock luigi in new Mario bro ds and it doesnt work then what do you do?

You blow into the L and R buttons on the DS or DSi. Then, start NSMB, select a file, hold L and R, and press A.