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they allow you to switch between your boxes with ease

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Q: What are the buttons for L and R on Pokemon white for PC?
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What are the 'L' and 'R' buttons on your PC when you're playing Pokemon Diamond?

They do work, but you have to move your cursor over the box number. Then you can use the L and R buttons to your hearts content.

What is the l and r buttons for PC in Pokemon pearl?

what you do is you go to the optoins section on the vba the go to joypad then go to configure then go to 1 and you will see them right there

What buttons do you press to activate the rare candy cheat on Pokemon pearl?

L + r

What is the code for Pokemon soulsilver action replay maximum rare candy without using the L R buttons?

I need help because my R & L buttons are barely working and i found one time a rare candy code without using the R & L buttons!

What is soft reset on Pokemon platinum and do you have to press any buttons?

Select start L+R monkeyboyure

How do you activate the code for walk through anything for Pokemon dp?

Hold buttons L+R hop this helped!

When did L. Nichols Buttons die?

L. Nichols Buttons died in 1993.

When was L. Nichols Buttons born?

L. Nichols Buttons was born in 1909.

How To Press L and R and select and start in Pokemon Platinum PC?

If you're using an emulator to play Pokémon Platinum on your computer you have to go in the options and look what keys correspond to that buttons, and then press them together.

What are the cheat codes for the walk through walls and what are th buttons to activate it in Pokemon diamond?

press select + l or r

How do you make Pokemon platinum cheats work?

you have to hold L+R+select+start and if that does not work one of your buttons are broken.

Cheat code for All Pokemon in PC at level 100 in Pokemon diamond?

1st you need a gameshark or action replay then you put in all the Pokemon you want at level 100 into the PC and then hold down l and r then pres ababyxxa