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For beauty contests, Rain dance, Hydro pump, Hail, and ice beam. All are beauty moves and two can can work as combos. Use rain dance at the start of your apeal as well. It gets you points, but does put you at the top right away so you can better avoid startling.

For battle, I always liked hydro pump, surf, Ice beam, and either rain dance, recover, or attract. The last three moves can either power up your water moves, heal your self, or keep the other Pokemon struggling to attack yours if you attract it.

Just me though

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Q: What are the best moves for a Milotic in a beauty contest in sapphire?
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A ton of moves.Milocttic can win a lot of contest with those moves.That's just a hint.

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Milotic is because it learns powerfull moves than gyarados

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Since milotic is a water type, it is weak to grass and electric type moves.

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Rain Dance, Surf, Hail and Ice Beam. Perform in that order in addition to surf at the end.

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Milotic, if it knows some decent ice and water type moves. Empoleon if it doesn't

Why is Milotic called Milotic?

From's name may be a combination of aquatic or melodic and Milo, as in the sculpture, Venus de Milo which is known for being an example of beauty, and like Milotic, possesses no arms. Milotic also has a wide range of healing and defensive moves, so its name may also be a variation on mitotic, descriptive of the healing process of a body part through mitosis. Also melodic is a type of minor scale in music theory.

Where is competition to show off moves in Pokemon Emerald?

you go to Pokemon contest, normally in every city but you don't battle people. there are 3 events: beauty, dance and showing of you're moves to the judges.

Is feebas weak?

Somewhat, I think. It's kind of like a new version of Magikarp; it doesn't learn many new moves on his own, but it can be taught different TMs and HMs until you get it max beauty to evolve it into a Milotic.

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try to teach it good moves and feed it poffns [example cool contest spicey poffins + cool moves][cool move ex.rock climb,hyper beam,discharge,thunder,metal claw,thunderbolt] to check moves to see if the move is cool,beauty,tough,cute or smart go to the pokemon's summary and go to the icon with the pokeball with the ribbon on top