Milotic, if it knows some decent ice and water type moves. Empoleon if it doesn't
Milotic, Empoleon or Vaporeon.
== == Now for the real can trash the e4. Aaron can go down to any selection of fire or rock type moves, which you appear to have in abundance. Bertha will fall easily to a combo of torterra and empoleon. Flint can be Surfed away be empoleon. Vespiquen is super effective against Lucian but it may be a bit slow, so u should teach shadow ball to alakazam or something. For Bronzong, just use Infernape. Cynthia's spiritomb will collapse if u use roar of time. For Garchomp if ur empoleon is good enough it should be able to pull of ice beam before getting trashed by Earthquake. Barring that, use Empoleon to vs. Spiritomb and face Dialga against garchomp. Roar of time will settle the battle. Roserade and Gastrodon are pushover - use Infernape and Torterra. Lucario use infernape's close combat. Milotic just do wahtever u want and kill it. == ==
no because it already has good moves
milotic of course
Milotic is a Water type Pokemon.
Milotic, Empoleon or Vaporeon.
choices: all if you train them hard enough * milotic * gyarados * lumineon * whishcash * empoleon * ...
It depends on stats.
sandra cairneywtf... its Milotic, and Empoleon... and don't u dare forget Phione and Manaphy... so cute!!
== == Now for the real can trash the e4. Aaron can go down to any selection of fire or rock type moves, which you appear to have in abundance. Bertha will fall easily to a combo of torterra and empoleon. Flint can be Surfed away be empoleon. Vespiquen is super effective against Lucian but it may be a bit slow, so u should teach shadow ball to alakazam or something. For Bronzong, just use Infernape. Cynthia's spiritomb will collapse if u use roar of time. For Garchomp if ur empoleon is good enough it should be able to pull of ice beam before getting trashed by Earthquake. Barring that, use Empoleon to vs. Spiritomb and face Dialga against garchomp. Roar of time will settle the battle. Roserade and Gastrodon are pushover - use Infernape and Torterra. Lucario use infernape's close combat. Milotic just do wahtever u want and kill it. == ==
If you are doing a randomizer, you should probably use gastly because he is the most powerful of the three by the end of the game, if you are looking for a strong beggining to mid game, you should probably use staraptor because i will be the most useful. Empoleon is just a bad mon in-game, but is OK in competitive.
You raise Feebas's beauty to its maximim and it should evolve into a Milotic at level 40
well empoleon is really useful to kick ass garchomp and infernape is great to use against lucario and luxray is useful against togekiss, dialga is great against milotic infernape is great against roserade giratina is good against spritomb. that's all.
you can't. but you can catch a feebas in the wild and train it into a milotic. you can also use cheats.
Any type of water Pokemon can surf. A few examples are Wailord , Empoleon and Relicanth
It is impossible to catch a Milotic in the wild, you need to catch a Feebas which is really rare, and then give lots of poffin which increases beauty to the max then it should evolve to Milotic. -Empol
make sure that you have a electric type with you because you can't use a grass type milotic has ice beam.