this may work or not.You have to complete BLAZIKEN's beauty condition and give it high appealing moves.(i'll tell you next time)
It doesn't really matter on the moves rather you give the best possible cool pokeblocks to your Pokemon i used a breloom that liked Red pokeblocks which hold coolness in each i easily won with it and it had these moves: Sky uppercut, Hyper beam, Dynamicpunch, Solarbeam.
If you win a Master Rank contest, a picture of your winning Pokemon will appear there. Cool contest - red frame, beauty contest - blue frame, and so on.
aura sphere is really cool i wonder if it would work well in a contest
1.You get master rank contest badge. 2.If you get all(cool,cute,tough,smart & beauty) master rank contest badge on any five Pokemon you get a star in your trainer card. 3.You get a picture from the artist.
Just win the master rank contest 5 times in lilycove No, just win the Master Rank contest once and come first place in your category (Cool, Cute, Beauty, etc) by quite a bit.
Raquaza and 2 highscoring moves, 1 no decreasing and hyper beam
YES! I have a blaziken lv. 100. luv it! i knew i had the rite 1 when i got torchic! it is awesome cuz it as crazy attack and sooper cool moves! at first i got a treeko, but it so sucks so i deleted my file. then i got torchic and i never thought back about it. ever! GO BLAZIKEN!
blaziken is the best starter from torchic so yes
nothing cool about it really...
It really just depends on the Pokemon and its stats/moves :)
It doesn't really matter on the moves rather you give the best possible cool pokeblocks to your Pokemon i used a breloom that liked Red pokeblocks which hold coolness in each i easily won with it and it had these moves: Sky uppercut, Hyper beam, Dynamicpunch, Solarbeam. cool "thats the way to do it" hehe sorry bout that...
If you win a Master Rank contest, a picture of your winning Pokemon will appear there. Cool contest - red frame, beauty contest - blue frame, and so on.
Type in "COOL LATIOS" "OVERWHELMING LATIAS" "SUPER HUSTLE" "GREAT BATTLE" "CHALLENGE CONTEST" each phrase will give you a super special rare berry.
Feed your Pokemon lots of pokeblocks. If your doin cool feed them orange 1s if smart feed green.. Etc. It also goes on how much the Pokemon likes u. Crobat, blissy are two great Pokemon to enter with because u need friendship to evolve them. Hope this helps!
The only Warping Cheats For Pokemon Are in Pokemon Emerald Trust me Ive Searched Everywhere.But it would be pretty cool to get Pokemon from the Pokemon factory and then warp away with them lol.