the best moves for Blaziken are double kick,Blaze Kick,Aerial Ace and sky uppercut.
Overall:1st Move:Double Kick 2nd: Move blaze kick 3rd: Aerial Ace 4th:Sky Uppercut!
It depends on the situation electivire and blaziken can bolt learn ground type moves and fire type moves fighting types too blaziken can learn flying type moves and electivire can learn electric type moves so I'd say there pretty much even.
Blaziken for more powerful moves, they mainly consist of fire, flying, fighting and normal type moves Heracross for a more variety of moves, their not as powerful as Blaziken's moves but depending on the level of your Heracross depends on the battle sets move power
Blaziken, Flygon, Ludicollo, Gardevoir, Manectric, and skarmory or vigoroth
this may work or not.You have to complete BLAZIKEN's beauty condition and give it high appealing moves.(i'll tell you next time)
Blaziken or Toarkal.
Blaziken is very strong and it has good moves so yes
It depends on the situation electivire and blaziken can bolt learn ground type moves and fire type moves fighting types too blaziken can learn flying type moves and electivire can learn electric type moves so I'd say there pretty much even.
Blaziken for more powerful moves, they mainly consist of fire, flying, fighting and normal type moves Heracross for a more variety of moves, their not as powerful as Blaziken's moves but depending on the level of your Heracross depends on the battle sets move power
blaziken is the best starter from torchic so yes
blaziken. if you want to have it as strong as possible, make it lern these moves: Fire Blast Blaze Kick Fire Punch Slash
It depends on how you raise it, stats, moves, and level
Blaziken, Kygore, Groudon, Raquaza........ with an high level.... and a electric type Pokemon that knows electric moves.....
Blaziken, Flygon, Ludicollo, Gardevoir, Manectric, and skarmory or vigoroth
Yes it is an AWESOME move set that's even the same move set my Blaziken has!!!!!!*peace out :)*
this may work or not.You have to complete BLAZIKEN's beauty condition and give it high appealing moves.(i'll tell you next time)
the same ones in Hoen but it can learn brave bird and skyattack