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Pomeg Berry raises happiness but lowers Hp Ev's Kelpsy berry raises happiness but lowers Attack Ev's Qualot Berry raises happiness but lowers Defense Ev's Hondew Berry raises happiness but lowers Special Attack Ev's Grepa Berry raises happiness but lowers Special Defense Ev's Tomato Berry raises happiness but lowers Speed Ev's

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Q: What are the berries that raise happiness?
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What berries raise friendship?

Friendship berries

How do you raise happiness on Moshi Monsters?

You have to go shopping to raise your happiness

Does walking your Pokemon raise the happiness?

Walking will raise its happiness 256 steps=1 happiness , 2 with soothe bell, will take about 30 sec. In bicycle. Max happiness= 255 Base happiness= 70 Happiness left to raise after recently caught=185 Soothe bell doubles effect With the soothe bell, it'll take about 40 minutes to reach max happiness on bicycle,less time with massages, dream world-exclusive berries which raise happiness but lower a stat , items such as carbos, iron, etc.(hard to obtain for its price, which is $9,800) , gym battles , elite 4 and champion battles, and leveling it up. Never feed it bitter food or let it faint a lot since it will lower happiness

Does the exp share raise happiness?

It only does when your Pokemon levels up but you want to have it participate to raise its happiness more.

How do you raise your pokemons happiness?

with raising the Pokemon with that Pokemon for many time You can raise your Pokemon happiness by defeating many trainers with Pokemon do you want to raise.

How can you get a Crobat?

Raise its happiness level.

How do you evovle golbat?

raise it happiness

How does golbat evolve?

It evolves from Happiness. You can raise its happiness by leveling it up or giving it Protein and other vitamins such as Calcium and then level up it using experience or a Rare Candy and then it should have to make it love you at the highest level. try using berries that make its friendship with you go up.

How do you get Pokémon to max happiness in Pokémon HeartGold?

use it a lot, go to the haircuter and feed it with berries that gives increased happiness.

Do you need national dex to get Crobat in pokemon diamond?

No, you dont. Just get a Golbat (or a Zubat and itll evolve to Golbat at level 22) and then raise the Golbat with Happiness. I would say give it a soothe bell to hold, feed it the kind of poffins it likes, and battle with it alot. But make sure it doesnt faint. Also there are some berries that can raise its happiness but they also affect stats. Hope this helped! :D

How do you evolve Togepi?

Togepi evolves into Togetic when you level it up with it's happiness value of 220. You can raise a Pokemon's happiness value by leveling it up, feeding it certain berries, keeping it in your party, giving it vitamins, giving it a massages and don't let it faint. Togetic can then evolve into a Togekiss by using a Shiny Stone on it.

What level did riolu evolve?

He evolves when you level him up with happiness during the day. you can find out how to raise happiness with this link.