use it a lot, go to the haircuter and feed it with berries that gives increased happiness.
Max out it's happiness.
just max the happiness hope this helps
Any level, just get it to max happiness.
Once traded from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, you can evolve it with max happiness.
In goldenrod, by the bike shop there is a house. Talk to the lady inside. She will say something like: Your Pokemon is still warming up to you (low happiness) Its quite cute (kinda low happiness) Seems to like you a little (kinda high happiness) It really Trusts you (Max happiness)
Max out it's happiness.
just max the happiness hope this helps
Any level, just get it to max happiness.
Once traded from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, you can evolve it with max happiness.
In goldenrod, by the bike shop there is a house. Talk to the lady inside. She will say something like: Your Pokemon is still warming up to you (low happiness) Its quite cute (kinda low happiness) Seems to like you a little (kinda high happiness) It really Trusts you (Max happiness)
there is no max. happiness lady in cianwood.
You make riolu have max happiness and then level it up
when you talk to it if it has six hearts around it that means its at max happiness
Use items.
You can get the friendship checker in HeartGold at Goldenrod City. Talk to the happiness rater and she will say a phrase that indicates your Pokémon's happiness. This determines your friendship levels.
To see a Pokémon's happiness in HeartGold or SoulSilver, you take them to Goldenrod City, where there is a house where you can check your Pokémon's happiness there. It is on player's right-hand side, and is in the little section right below the Magnet Train.
Pichu evolves by happiness.