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when you talk to it if it has six hearts around it that means its at max happiness

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Q: How do you know when your pikachu is max happiness on Pokemon yellow?
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What is the name of that one yellow electric pokemon with red cheeks called?

Pikachu. How do u not know that?

How do you make pikachu do funny things in Pokemon yellow?

all i know to do do is jump over a ledge but do not let picachu follow after a wile he will become impacent and do funny things

How old is pikachu?

He's 10. how would you know if pikachu is a he there are many pikachus in the Pokemon world! pikachu is NOT 10 and it can be a he and a she. Pikachu and many other kanto Pokemon are as old as the game of Pokemon is i believe 17 years old the game is.

How do you get light ball from Pikachu?

You can either catch the Pokemon, use the move thief on a pikachu that has one, but make sure that Pokemon isn't holding anything, or else it will fail. I think that the move trick switchs items that the Pokemon is holding, and your Pokemon does not need to be holding an item. However, only like 10% of the pikachus you battle will be holding the said item, so in other words, it is rare. To tell the truth, I don't know if 10% is the right percentage, but I know it is low, so look forward to a long time of stealing items from pikachu, most of them are holding berries. On the plus side, you'll get alot of berries. The easiest way to get a light ball is to trade a Pikachu over from then yellow version. When he is traded over he has the light ball in his equipment there is no easy way well i dont know if the yellow pikachu has but if you want one with light ball there is a 5% to catch it with the item

Why do some Pikachu cards say Pikachu is a basic Pokemon but he is not so why do they say it?

Because some of the Pokemon cards/ Pikachu cards won't put that Pichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. The Pokemon cards that have Pikachu on them are mostly old and Pichu wasn't made back in the Kanto or Johto Region. If you have a Raichu card look at the card and you'll see a picture of Pikachu then you'll know what I mean.

Related questions

How do you know when Pikachu is happy in Pokemon Yellow?

Look at your pikachu,face it, and press A

How do you get past the guard the get the marsh badge in yellow?

i don't know Pokemon yellow for gameboy be cause i don't have that game. i know that the star Pokemon is pikachu using thunderbolt

What is the name of that one yellow electric pokemon with red cheeks called?

Pikachu. How do u not know that?

Do you know that hugely popular Pokemon?

Is it Pikachu, Pokemon's mascot.

What Pokemon have kept their Japanese names?

Pikachu is the only one I know of. (watch TV's in Pokemon White, one states pikachu is universal)

How do you get pickachu in Pokemon SoulSilver?

In Pokémon SoulSilver you can find wild Pikachu anywhere between the levels of 4 and 7 in the Viridian Forest additionally you can find Pikachu in the Yellow Forest, Resort, Sightseeing and Rally courses in the Pokewalker, in the Resort area you can find a Level 30 female Pikachu, in the Yellow Forest course you can find all Pikachu that can be either gender and can be between the levels of 10 and 15 and some Pikachu in the Yellow Forest course can know the Fly HM or the Surf HM.

How do you make pikachu do funny things in Pokemon yellow?

all i know to do do is jump over a ledge but do not let picachu follow after a wile he will become impacent and do funny things

What questions do you answer to in Pokemon Blue Rescue Team to get Pikachu in Pokemon Blue Rescue Team?

You will never know because ther are always different questions, but you can chosse pikachu as your partner if you do not become pikachu.

Is pikachu a anime?

Pikachu is an anime character from the anime, Pokemon.

How do you know the Pokemon happiness?

Some Pokemon games have a specific person you can talk to that will tell your Pokemon's happiness, some Pokemon games show there happiness after giving them an item the closer they get the happier they are.

How do you get the light ball for Pikachu?

well i know on Pokemon emerald, when you catch a pikachu, it is already holding a light ball

How old is pikachu?

He's 10. how would you know if pikachu is a he there are many pikachus in the Pokemon world! pikachu is NOT 10 and it can be a he and a she. Pikachu and many other kanto Pokemon are as old as the game of Pokemon is i believe 17 years old the game is.