with raising the Pokemon with that Pokemon for many time
You can raise your Pokemon happiness by defeating many trainers with Pokemon do you want to raise.
Maxing out the happiness of a pokemon is somewhat time consuming. Walking around with the pokemon in the lead position will help slowly increase the happiness. You can also feed the pokemon poffins to help raise stats and happiness.
Letting it out of the pokeball to go on walks with you. Giving the pokemon Soothe Bell. Battling other pokemon and winning. Feeding it Rare Candies.
It only does when your Pokemon levels up but you want to have it participate to raise its happiness more.
you can check a pokemons happiness in Diamond/pearl by the use of a poketch app, in previous games you could only know in the happiness was maxed by obtain a ribbon from a certain character depending on the game.
Maxing out the happiness of a pokemon is somewhat time consuming. Walking around with the pokemon in the lead position will help slowly increase the happiness. You can also feed the pokemon poffins to help raise stats and happiness.
Letting it out of the pokeball to go on walks with you. Giving the pokemon Soothe Bell. Battling other pokemon and winning. Feeding it Rare Candies.
In order to raise a Pokémon's Happiness, you must train it, give it vitamins and in battle, never ever let it faint. Vitamins must be the ones that taste good and aren't bitter like ones that raise stats such as PP Up, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, etc.
You have to go shopping to raise your happiness
Take it to the cardio room and make it run the treadmill
It only does when your Pokemon levels up but you want to have it participate to raise its happiness more.
you have to get a poke app . it shows your pokemons happiness in hearts
It evolves when you give it enough happiness. you can go to castelia city and get a lady on the road to the right of the Pokemon center on the left side to help u with that. she will raise your pokemons happiness by massaging it. i did that for like 4 or 5 days and then leveled it up 6 times. from level 29 to level 35. hope i helped :)
Raise its happiness level.
raise it happiness
you can check a pokemons happiness in Diamond/pearl by the use of a poketch app, in previous games you could only know in the happiness was maxed by obtain a ribbon from a certain character depending on the game.
You have to walk around with it A LOT!!! But if you catch it with a luxury ball it helps a lot.