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here are some examples of items and they're boosts.
Carbos boosts speed.
Calcium boosts special.
Protein boosts attack.
Iron boosts defense.

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Q: What are the Pokemon stat raising items?
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Can you buy stat raising items in Pokemon Black?

Yes, you can buy stat-raising item in Pokemon Black at Shopping Mall Nine on Route 9

How do you get a Pokemon of utmost happiness?

treat it like you would treat a friend, basically. don't let it faint and feed it stat raising items (ex. carbos, iron, zinc) you can also give it a soothe bell to hold, which makes your Pokemon more friendly.

When should you use stat boosting items in Pokemon?

Any time, at low level?

Does giving your Pokemon carbos or anything like that weaken its stats when leveling up?

Nope, it actually is a little extra stat when you add stat-enhancing items.

When is it best to stat increasing items in Pokemon?

just before the elite four and use the base defense stat improvement as the elite four hit hard.

How do you evolve a Swaloon on Pokemon white?

you must level it up on a high friendship level. i recommend using stat raising items on it, letting it battle without fainting, giving it a soothe bell to hold and giving it massages. hope this helps

How do you get a Pokemon to trust you in Pokemon Platinum?

To build up trust with your Pokemon you should: -Put it in your party and walk with it -Give it stat boosting items -Have it battle or -Level it up

In Pokemon Diamond or Pearl can using stat up items like HP Up get you EV points or are they different?

no i wish though

How do you make Togepi happy in Pokemon HG?

Train it, give it soothe bell, give it stat enhancer items like protein, walk with it.

How does carbos work in Pokemon black?

Carbos is a stat enhancing item that can be used to increase the Speed stat of the pokemon you use it on. Note that occassionally the item may not affect the stat the first time it's used. Look at your pokemon's Speed stat and write it down (let's say its 30). Use the Carbos then look at the Speed stat again. If it's now 31 the item has worked. If not you may need to try using another. Every pokemon's growth is different so these items can affect each differently. Occasionally the item may increase the stats by more than one.

Who has the highest defense stat in Pokemon?

Shuckle has the highest defense stat, with a base defense stat of 230.

How do you use the action replay could tha maximizes stats in pokemonb platnium?

u can get the medicine cheat, and give your Pokemon stat boosting items like carbos. but u can only use those items if the Pokemon is below level 50