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When you arrive to the Root, (552) you're standing on a cliff. Just next to the teleport, there should be a place where you can click. Clicking it takes you to the other side of the cliff. There, go down, and you will see a platform, that has the secret on it.

In the Root area 0,1 you first go down all the ladders, then go to LEFT. Theres a metal plate on the floor. Move it, and you will see anoth metal plate, that is attached to the wall with two srews. You needa screwdriver to open it. Behind the plate, is a secret.

First of all, you need the coil. Then go to 0,1 and recharge it. Take the coil back to the starting point, 0,0. There is an orange platform for the coil. Now, go to 2,0. Theres a metal panel on the wall, that now should have a green light. Press the butten on the RIGHT from the green light, and the plate opens. Theres a secret.

Go to the area 0,2. Go to LEFT as far as you can. Theres a pipe. Find a place to click, that is just in the down point of the pipe. Now you should see a secret.

In the area 2,0 theres a chair in the upstairs, behind the beick wall. The secret in on the chair.

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