If you have a heart-scale, go to fallabor town and go to the "move teacher house" thingie and the man in there can teach moves only if they are eligable.
Garchomp learns the move Dragon Rush at lv.55
An Altaria is a dual Dragon-Flying type Pokemon.
No it cannot
Ice is Altaria's greatest weakness. It is a Dragon/Flying type and Ice is super effective to both.
There's no pure dragon type in emerald version. Flygon is ground+dragon, Salamance and Altaria is Flying + Dragon but can be considered as dragon also. altaria can be found in the grass on the way to meteor falls. bagon which can be found in meteor falls but waterfall is required to get it.
Altaria learns Dragon Pulse at level 54 in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
In Emerald Altaria learns Sky Attack at level 59
altaria, gyrados are some of which i know of.
Serperior can not learn Dragon Rush.
it doesn't. you need to use a tm
Garchomp learns the move Dragon Rush at lv.55
An Altaria is a dual Dragon-Flying type Pokemon.
Dragonair does not learn Dragon Rush in Pokemon Leafgreen. However, it can learn the move in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum at level 39.
From my experiences, Rock, Ice, and Dragon. I'm not sure about electricity because altaria is also the dragon type.
Dragon/Flying. Weak to ice, rock, and dragon. Strong against lots of stuff. Teach it more than just dragon and flying moves. Or just get a Salamence. Problem solved.
Altaria and Shelgon will make Horsea learn dragon breath. This move can also be learned leveling up in the Pokemon games.