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Garchomp learns the move Dragon Rush at lv.55

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Q: When does garchomp learn dragon rush?
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What evolves into garchomp?

a gabite evolves into a garchomp they learn a realy good move called dragon rush.

At what level does a Garchomp learn dragon rush in pokemon pearl?

between level 52 and 56

What kind of moves does Garchomp learn?

Crunch when it evolves and dragon rush at level 55 that's all I know...

Which is better salamence or garchomp?

i would say garchomp because it is ground and it can use dragon rush.

What level does Garchomp learn dragon tail?

it can't but it learns dragon rush at level 55 which is a good alternative or draco meteor from the move tutor if you'd prefer that

What level does serperior learn dragon rush?

Serperior can not learn Dragon Rush.

Pokemon platinum what level does Garchomp learn moves?

depends on what move you want to know about :) anyways here is the complete information about garchomp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He/She learns dragon rush at level 55.

What Pokemon can learn dragon rush?

Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite, Lugia, Gible, Gabite, and Garchomp. Using breeding techniques, charmander, rhyhorn, aron, swablu, and bagon.

What level must Garchomp be to learn Dragon Rush?

level 50 or 60 I do not know what level it is so if you know can you tell me please because I want to know because I got a garchomp and I need to know what level it learn it on tell me please thank you. it is 55 hope i helped

What moves can Garchomp learn in Pokemon Pearl?

In Pokémon Pearl, the moves that Garchomp are capable of learning via level up are ones such as Slash, Sandstorm, Take Down, Sand Tomb, Tackle, Fire Fang, Dragon Rage, Sand Attack, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Dig and Dragon Rush.

How can Garchomp learn dragon dance?

Chomp can't learn dragon dance, even not with breeding.

When does Garchomp learn dragon pulse?

It doesn't,but you could use the TM move so it could learn it.