migrate from firered and leafgreen
Giratina, and the 3 lake pokemon.
you cant. You can only do that on platinum):
The catch rate for the three legendary birds is 3 in all of the games, including Platinum.
u cant catch the 3 legendary bird in the game(articuno,moltres, and zapdos) only lugia and ho-oh are in there
the 3 birds
The legendary birds are: Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.
u cant u need to transfer it from fire red or leaf green GBA game
migrate from firered and leafgreen
Giratina, and the 3 lake pokemon.
suicune, entei, raikou, 3 legendary dogs. then the birds, ho oh, lugia
Ho-Oh and Lugia.Also the 3 Legendary dogs. Also I think Mewtwo and the 3 Legendary birds if you travel to Kanto later on in the game.
Yes - you can catch the 3 Kanto Legendary Birds (Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres) in Pokémon XD.
you cant. You can only do that on platinum):
The catch rate for the three legendary birds is 3 in all of the games, including Platinum.
It can be anywhere, use the marking map app to find them.In Pokemon Platinum, yes of course You can Find the Legendary Birds: Moltres The fire type Bird, Zapdos The electric type bird and of course Articuno The Ice type bird. First You need to Beat The Elite Four SecondFirst you beat the elite 42nd complete the sinnoh pokedex3rd show it to the professor4rth prof oak will tell you theres the 3 bird pokemon roaming in platinum
u cant catch the 3 legendary bird in the game(articuno,moltres, and zapdos) only lugia and ho-oh are in there