

Best Answer

Swaperts moves are Learned Moves:

Compatible TMs:Tackle - Basic

Growl - Basic

Mud-Slap - lvl 6

Water Gun - lvl 10

Bide - lvl 15

Mud Shot - lvl 16

Foresight - lvl 20

Mud Sport - lvl 25

Take Down - lvl 31

Muddy Water - lvl 39

Protect - lvl 46

Earthquake - lvl 52

Endeavor - lvl 61TM01 - Focus Punch

TM03 - Water Pulse

TM05 - Roar

TM06 - Toxic

TM07 - Hail

TM10 - Hidden Power

TM13 - Ice Beam

TM14 - Blizzard

TM15 - Hyper Beam

TM17 - Protect

TM18 - Rain Dance

TM21 - Frustration

TM23 - Iron Tail

TM26 - Earthquake

TM27 - Return

TM28 - Dig

TM31 - Brick Break

TM32 - Double Team

TM39 - Rock Tomb

TM42 - Facade

TM43 - Secret Power

TM44 - Rest

TM45 - Attract

HM03 - Surf

HM04 - Strength

HM06 - Rock Smash

HM07 - Waterfall

HM08 - Dive

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Q: What are swampert moves in Pokemon emerald?
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Level 36.

How do you get swampert on Pokemon Emerald version?

Train a mudkip to level 36.

What is the best water type to use in pokemon emerald?

Swampert or Wailord.

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Sceptile is way better than Breloom. Swampert is better than Sharpedo, Swampert is also a Ground type.

Where do you find endeavor in Pokemon emerald?

Endeavor is a move that can be learned by certain pokemon like Swampert and so on.

What is a good wall for Pokemon emerald before the elite 4?

sceptile or a blaizeiken or a swampert

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Where do you see a swampert in Pokemon emerald?

Swampert is the evolvesion of mudkip which is one of the three pokemon you can pick to start out with in the beginning of the game therefore you cannot get him unless you pick mudkip at the beginning of the game