this is my team and I've beat the game
no that's rubbish try
the best team for battle dome in Pokemon emerald is a grass type(against swampert , and a rock type(against charizard and salamance)
skarmory absol manectric torkoal breloom swampert
swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league
indeed it is ;) you have a very nice team there. erin,11 yrs old
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
the best team for battle dome in Pokemon emerald is a grass type(against swampert , and a rock type(against charizard and salamance)
get a lagendary like rayquaza
metagross salamence flygon blaziken swampert sceptile
skarmory absol manectric torkoal breloom swampert
swampert. gardevor. salamence. swellow. torkal. gengar.
swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league
Swampert,swellow,pikachu,ludicolo,ninetails,and a shiftry.
indeed it is ;) you have a very nice team there. erin,11 yrs old
Groudoun swampert at a high level
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
a great team would be salamance [you can get bagon in the place with steven the mountain place]swampert [starter] machamp[trade to evolve]flygon[desert place]metagross[evolves from beldium you get from steven] and scizor
Swampert, Altaria, Breloom, Flygon, Swellow, and Manectric.