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The type that is Strong against Steel Is water at least that is one that I know.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

rock and ice are the ones i know of but there may be more.

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Q: What are steel type Pokemon strong against?
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What ti strong to a steel type Pokemon?

If you want to know what Types of Pokemon that are Strong against STEEL-Type attacks there is ELECTRIC, WATER, STEEL and FIRE. I'll just add that STEEL-Type Pokemon are weak against FIGHT, FIRE and GROUND attacks.

What Type Are Strong Against Fairy Pokemon?

Poison and Steel type moves are good against Fairy type Pokemon.

Which type is strong against steel type Pokemon?

Fire, Fighting and Ground Type moves are super effective against Steel Types.

What Pokemon type is strong against ice type?

Fire Steel Rock Fighting

What Pokemon are strong against steel type in battle against the gym leader in platinum?

you will need a good level pokemon but your types can be either water,fire or ground. and fight The best pokemon against steel type is fire type pokemon......train your fire type pokemon to high level before you fight with the gym ....

Which Pokemon are strong against steel types?

Fire and ground type Pokémon.

What is effective against snow type Pokemon?

The following are good against ice type Pokemon... Fire Grass Ice

Are Fire-Type Pokemon strong against Dark-Type Pokemon?

No. Fire-Types are strong against Grass-Types, Bug-Types, Ice-Types, and Steel-Types. Dark-Types are weak against Bug-Types and Fighting-Types.

What is effective against fire type Pokemon?

any water type Pokemon is super effective against water type Pokemon

What are electric type Pokemon strong against?

Ground type attacks are strong against Electric type Pokemon (super effective--2X damage), and everything except Flying, Steel, and Electric works normally against them (effective--1X damage). Flying, Steel, and Electric moves are not very effective against electric (half damage). Also, if your Pokemon is the same type as the type of the attack it is using, the attack power increases by 50% (Same-Type Attack Bonus). So, the absolute best thing you could do against an Electric Pokemon is have a Ground-type Pokemon attack with a strong Ground-type move, such as Earthquake, Dig, or Drill Run.

What type of Pokemon beats a steel type Pokemon?

Steel type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Ground type attacks

How can you beat a steel type Pokemon on emerald?

A fire and a fighting type Pokemon is good against steel.