any water type Pokemon is super effective against water type Pokemon
Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.
Ground type moves, rock type moves and water type moves are super-effective against fire type pokemon.
The following are good against ice type Pokemon... Fire Grass Ice
One of the posible answers is fire type pokemon. Fighting type is super effective
Fire type Pokemon are super effective against bug types
Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.
Fire and fighting type moves are super effective against Ice type pokemon.
The fire type is not super-effective, not very effective or ineffective against the psychic type. Fire type moves deal unmodified damage to psychic type pokemon.
Rock type moves are super-effective against fire, bug, flying and ice type pokemon.
Ground type moves, rock type moves and water type moves are super-effective against fire type pokemon.
Water and Grass are 4x effective and Ice, Fighting, Ground and Steel are 2x effective!
The following are good against ice type Pokemon... Fire Grass Ice
One of the posible answers is fire type pokemon. Fighting type is super effective
Fire-type moves are not very effective against Electric-type Pokemon because fire has no advantage over electricity. In battle, Electric-type moves are super effective against Water and Flying-type Pokemon, which gives Electric-types an advantage over Fire-types.
Fire, fighting, steel and rock
Fire type Pokemon are super effective against bug types