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Some good techniques for Video Games are...

Example: there might be a way you sit while playing them? i guess?

like if you sit on a chair your better playing but if you sit on the ground its harder to play, something like that.

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Q: What are some techniques to play video games?
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Are video games for boys only?

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Some sites usually say that children play video games about an hour a day.

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You can play video games, board games, or you can play outside.

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Yes some bad kids do play video games but there are nice kids also.

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Does video games make kids dumb?

No, some video games actually make you smarter like Minecraft. It is all about building and takes survival skills to play. Some moms think video games rot your brain. Kids think video games are awesome and fun. That is also what I think.

Do gay people play video games?

some do and some don't. Just like straight people.

Why you should play video games?

the reason why video games r good to play is because there are all kind some for exercising some fro sports some for adventure and some for action game are mostly trail and error the way i see me uts all stratigie u have to keep practicing until u get the hang of it and for all the smart brains out there..........there are also games to test your knowledge

Where can one play video games live?

There are many websites and companies that offer fun arcade and video games on the internet. Some of these companies that offer fun games are Tremor Games and Penny Arcade.

Which play tables video games are available for free online?

Some video games that simulate play tables of casinos include Alien Jackpot and Sunlight Casino. These are all available for free online at Kongregate,