111 is full moon cheat 666 is devils cheat (turns werewolf locator into devil locator)
101 is pong cheat. 606, 808, 909, 609 is techno cheat there are a lot more as well... I'll try to find more
911 is a police locator
There are no cheat codes in Webkinz
Yes, webkinz does have webkinz cheat codes!
helicoptor cheat codes for vice city and
sonic xs cheat codes
911 is a police locator
No, I'm sorry there aren't any cheat codes for Ninjas Live. If you are looking for Ninjas Live clan codes please check the links below.
you can get cheat codes from cheatcc.com
cheat codes
There are no cheat codes.
There are no cheat codes for millsberry!
cheat codes are cheats
cheat codes, pay attention to the "cheat" part of cheat codes ergo its cheating, yes :D
Cheat codes: getalife cheat codes: getalife
You can go to cheat codes.com and get cheat codes.
No, there are no cheat codes for Wheelman yet
There are no cheat codes for RuneScape.