

Best Answer

Ashley Coles is CM291056

Shia Labeoufs is shia-online

david henries is infernol-

Jim Carrey's is JimEugeneCarrey

Andy Harrison- AHCT28

Danny Juvay- Juvay2000

Nick Frost - papanickfrost

Nick frosts son Craig Frost - frost-is-online

David Beckham - beckham9

John Wayne - Wayne911

Lucas (Fred) - Fred

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Q: What are some celebrity psn ids?
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How can you switch your Playstation Network account from one email to another?

The sign-in IDs cannot be identical for different PSN accounts. However, if you use Gmail you can add an extension on to the end of your email name by using a (+), thus allowing you to use the same email address for multiple PSN accounts. For example, if your email address is (, you could use ( and ( This will make your PSN sign-in IDs different while allowing you to use the same email address.

Do celebrities have a PSN account?

Yes they do. Anyone who goes online on the PlayStation Network needs an account

I need Weak ids for mechquest?

well,some weak ids are 54655 5654 21 6454 1196203

What happen when you create a new profile on ps3?

Do you mean a new PSN account ID because a new profile is just about changing the information under the PSN ID . Many people have multiple IDs some use their ID s for years while others seem to change them on a whim. As far a creating a new ID you need to add a user and find a name have an email address and complete the personnel inforation

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How can you get back your psn password?

I don't now. I really wonder that to, because I lost my password to PSN Network for some days to :(

Is PS3 games cheaper on psn?

Some, as most you cant buy through psn, only like mini games

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When will PSN go back up?

Supposed to have some services back up I.e. psn on may 3rd but we will see see related link or question

Why do some people get mad on psn if they have a Canadian in their lobby?

racism may be.

Does a American psn card work on a psn Japanese account?

No, a Japanese PSN account can only be funded with a Japanese PSN card, one with a yen amount on it.