Some 4 letter words with 'au' in the middle:FauxHaulMaulTautSee the related link for a full list.
Fiat, dial...
The word is with w-it-h\Other 4 letter words with it in the middle:bitecitecityfitshitskitskitelitemitepitsritesitesitswitszits
Some four letter words that start with I are:ibexibisicedideainchintoisn'titch
Some 4 letter words with 'au' in the middle:FauxHaulMaulTautSee the related link for a full list.
Fiat, dial...
Some 4 letter Christmas words are:treegiftbellwishloveshopsnowsale
The word is with w-it-h\Other 4 letter words with it in the middle:bitecitecityfitshitskitskitelitemitepitsritesitesitswitszits
Four letter words that end with U:ecrugurulieutofuthoubeaumenututu
Some four letter words that start with I are:ibexibisicedideainchintoisn'titch
Some four letter words starting with A are:ableacreafarajaralsoaltoareaAsiaautoaxle
Some four letter words with a second letter U are:auraburncurbcuredulldumbeurofundguruhugejumpjunklumpluremuchmutenudeoustpullpurepushrulerumpruinruserushrustsuchsurftune
Some 4-letter words that start with the letter "s" are: song, snap, soil, stay.
There is a huge number of 4 letter words that have ea in the middle. bead beak beam bean bear beat and so on