The 4-letter dance is a reel or hora
A four letter word starting with the letter a is able.
Four letter words:theytidytinytobytonytorytraytroy
Several four letter words begin with the letter q. However, there are no four letter words that begin with the letter q and end with the letter o.
Some four letter words with the first letter f are:facefadefailfairfallfamefarmfastfearfeedfeelfeetfestfilefillfilmfinefirefirmfishfistflapflatflewflitflipflitflopfluefoalfoamfoldfolkfoodfoolfootforkformfortfourfrayfreefretfromfuelfullfumefuryfussfuzz
The name rectangle refers to the right-angled corners. A rectangle is a four-sided shape with right-angled corners.
A right [angled] trapezium.
Anything that has four sides is a quadrilateral.
A right-angled trapezoid
it is a right angled trapezium
A shape formed by four triangles would have to be a tetrahedron. But I believe that a tetrahedron can have at most three right angled triangles. One with four of them is, I think, impossible.
A rectangle is a shape with four sides, and four right-angled corners.A square is with four sides of equal length, and four right-angled corners.Since the rectangle doesn't have any rules regarding the length of the sides, all sides could be the same length, and it would still be a shape with for sides, and four right-angled corners. Answer: The set of all shapes meeting the criteria for "Squares" is included in, but not convergent with, the set of all shapes meeting the criteria for "Rectangles"
The letter "f."
No because it could be a right angled trapezoid. A rectangle must have four right angles. Yes, a parallelogram with a right angle is always a rectangle. In fact, in my geometry book, some 55 years ago such was the definition of rectangle. A parallelogram with one right angle will always have four right angles. The right angled trapezoids that are not rectangles are not parallelograms.
A rectangle can be any four-sided plane figure with four right angles, including a four-sided polygon, a quadrilateral, a rhombus, a quadrangle, and a right-angled parallelogram,
The spelling rhombus is a four-sided shape (an angled square).It is a quadrilateral with four equal sides but no right angles.