I think they want dice but that's not really right because one of them is more properly a die.
The word associated with Christmas that stems from the Greek word for circle dance is "carol." The term "carol" originally referred to a festive song or dance performed in a circle, often during celebrations such as Christmas. Over time, the term became specifically associated with Christmas songs that are sung during the holiday season.
If you think about it, the Greeks danced in a circle just as we dance in a circle in a Ring-Around-The-Rosy dance. So, they danced to have fun, and what fun is it alone?
Kleistos is the name of this dance.
grab ur man boobs and dance around in a circle!
The group formed a circle and started to dance in a counter clockwise direction. Meaning that they danced in their circle moving around always to the left and not in the direction of the hands on a clock which is to the right.
Circassian circle, Mummer's Dance, Rapper Sword, Morris, Molly, The allameade
wear a hulu hoop