Well, honey, the animal you're looking for is a goat. It's got four letters and 'OA' smack dab in the middle. Now, don't go goat-getting yourself into trouble trying to find other animals fitting that description!
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern B-OA-AX-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter B and 3rd letter O and 4th letter A and 6th letter A and 7th letter X. In alphabetical order, they are: broadaxe
In OA79, the letter A stands for rectifier diode and O stands for Germanium. It acts as a point contact germanium diode and also be replaced with 1N4148 depending on the circuit.
You can follow the link, below, and discover under different circumstances, which words are the longest English words.
oa words are railroad!!
Words with oa:bloatboaboarboardboastboatcoalcoastcoatcocoafoalhoardfloatfoamgoalgloatgroatloadloanmoanmoatoaroatroadroarroastsoapsoarthroattoadtoast
Coke and poke are two oa words that rhyme with smoke.
No. The OA pair has a long O sound, as in the rhyming words coach and poach.
boastfullyboardwalkboardroomboathouseboatswainbroadbandbroadcastingbroadsheetcoauthorcoatroomencroachmentroadwayroadsideroadblockroadworthyroadworthiness (This word is in my dictionary, but Wiki spell check indicates that it's not a word.soapboxsoapstonesoapsudstoadstool
Oa Skywalker is 5' 11".
The population of Hiva-Oa is 1,986.
The normal sound of the OA pair is a long O as in loan and coal. It has a caret O (or) sound in R words such as board and soar (long O +R). In the word boa, it has the two separate sounds, a long O and a schwa (boh-uh).
The area of Hiva-Oa is 330 square kilometers.
OA = open account
No. The OA pair has a long O sound as in toast and boat. Rhyming words are load and road.