You can follow the link, below, and discover under different circumstances, which words are the longest English words.
The longest poop ever was 26 ft
You cannot spell any words with these letters. The longest possible words are cheap and peach.
There are no anagrams of Xavier. The longest possible words are aiver and varix.
It is the fear of words nsd it is the longest word which is having 22 letters
These seven-letter words are the longest possible:aigretsaugitesgaitersguitarsgustiergutsierquartesquatresqueristseagirtstagiertriages
The longest verses in Genesis contain 24 words.
The longest poop ever was 26 ft
20 words. Longest is China.
The longest words that can be made with the letters in New York State are the nine letter words attorneys and stoneware.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, which is the fear of long words. NO! the longest is: pneumono-ultramicroscopic-silicovolcano-coniosiphobia
The longest verse in the New Testament is Luke 1:37 and it contains 52 words in total.
The Philippines has a preamble that consists 75 words which makes it the longest preamble in the world.
There are 221 words in English that can be made from the 9 letters in digestion. The longest are the 8-letter words editions, sedition, and dingiest. The longest -ing word is many 4 letter words
about 5,000,000,000 words :)