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In OA79, the letter A stands for rectifier diode and O stands for Germanium. It acts as a point contact germanium diode and also be replaced with 1N4148 depending on the circuit.

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Q: What is OA in OA79 diode?
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What is meant by 'OA' in OA79 and '1N' in 1N4001?

IN IN = 1N: Refers to the number of junctions (1N= 1 junction). O= Germanium, A= rectifier diode, so OA = germanium rectifier diode.

What is OA 79?

i think to make earth feel better visit my blog for more at OA79 represents Germanium diode. O = germanium, A= rectifier diode.

What is O in oa79 diode?

In general O in diodes stands for germanium.since OA79 is a germanium diode O stands for germanium

Is 1N4007 OA79 silicon or germanium diode?

The entire 1N40xx series of power diodes are all silicon. The OA79 small signal diode is germanium.

What is a 0A79 diode?

oa79 is frequency diode... it pass only the bit of frequency..

What is the Difference between diode OA79 and IN4007?

The only difference is the maximum repetitive capability which is maximum for IN4007 compared to OA79

What does OA stand for in OA 79 germanium diode?

It is not "OA 79" it is "0A79", that is the digit zero not the letter "O".The designation of 0A79 is inherited from old designation system for Vacuum Tubes.0 - 0V heater/filament or no heater/filament meaning a Cold Cathode deviceA - Low Current Diode79 - an arbitrary unique number identifying the specific device type, in this case a solid state germanium diode not a vacuum diode or gas diode

Is oA79 diode and oA71 diode are different?

The OA79 is a germanium based diode. This conducts in the forward biased direction at ~0.3Volts. Silicon diodes Conduct in the forward biased direction at ~0.6 or 0.7 volts. If you are wanting to detect weaker signals a germanium diode is a good choice. Nowadays we have good quality low price transistors that can amplify weak signals and the difference between the diodes is not that important in many circuits. Silicon is a very common material so is cheaper than germanium Modern circuits = Good Pre-Amps = Less detection needed. Older Circuits = Pre-Amps not so good = Better detection needed. by chandan EC 3rd year

What is represented by 'A' in 'OA79' diode?

The symbol 'A' indicates that this device is made from germanium . as you may know germanium has less cut in voltage so this device is used for low power signal or for signal processing. also the leakage current or reverse saturation current of germanium is greater than silicon.

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oa words are railroad!!

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Oa Skywalker is 5' 11".

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