They are Rogue outfits, you need 50 agility and 50 thieving to gain access to them.
There is no NPC, place, or item in RuneScape called "Kela."
Runescape is currently owned by Jagex Ltd. The first beta version of Runescape called Deviousmud was formed in 1997 by Andrew Gower. The first actual MMORPG was Runescape classic formed in 2001. Runescape classic changed to Runescape 2 on March 17, 2004. Runescape 3 (known as Runescape HD) was made in 2008.
gold armor is called gilded armor in runescape and is gained through treasure trails
No, RuneScape is Java based. It's written in a special Javascript language called RuneScript
Karate uniforms can be purchased from many places like the online retail store called Amazon. There are uniforms that may only be pants, may only be the shoes, or just comes with a complete set.
The uniform worn when practicing karate is called a gi. There are similar uniforms in other types of martial arts.
If you enter karate in karate class you may ask your sensei for a uniform or even you can buy it online.
karate schools
Honestly the best thing to do would be either to get a martial arts catalog (I prefer AWMA but Century would probably be easier to get) and order some from there or use Amazon. Using bath robes and cloth belts just looks dorky and unconvincing.
Confederate uniforms, gray wool uniforms
Karate Uniforms (Gi's) For Gkr Karate are $50 each and come with a belt (White Belt) And Club Logo. Just ask your Sensei or the person that marks your card when you go to your local dojo
karate ka
It was called Runescape Classic.
The Karate costume/uniform is called "Gi".
Karate is practiced in bare feet. The karate uniform is called a gi.
Karate came to Japan about 90 years ago. It was adapted by many as a martial art and a way of life, similar to that found in the other martial arts. Japan in turn influenced Karate by creating the ranking system and uniforms that are used.