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Gauntlets are known as armored gloves

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Q: What are gauntlets on RuneScape?
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In RuneScape what do iron gauntlets do?

On RuneScape, iron gauntlets do what any other type of gauntlets do. Really, they are gloves, but gauntlets are weopons that are gloves, so really, it just gives you a little extra boost on your stats!

How do you get gauntlets on RuneScape?

They are part of the recipe for disaster quest.

Can dragon gauntlets in runescape be reparied by bob?

no dragon gauntlets cannot be repaired by bob you must recharge it at fists of guthix by tokens.

Can you make iron worn out gauntlets on runescape?

No, it can only be obtain by Fist of Guthix.

What do adamant gauntlets do in runescape?

They Protect you hand, the only better gloves are rune, dragon, and Barrows

When do you stop burning swordfish on RuneScape?

At cooking level 86, or level 81 with cooking gauntlets.

How can you get cooking gauntlets back in RuneScape?

If dropped or lost due to death, these gauntlets may be re-obtained free of charge from Dimintheis in south-east Varrock and will have the same enchantment on them.

What do worn out adamant gauntlets do on RuneScape?

The gauntlet are just like gloves only more expensive but they give more defense bonus Warning Only buy gauntlets if you have enough money

What can you get in runescape that you can get the most coins out of?

Try the Rune Gauntlets in the Fist of guthix. or maybe the Abyssal whip for members.

Can you make gaunlets in RuneScape?

Not really. You either get them as rewards from different activities, or - in the case of the splitbark gauntlets - buy them at a shop.

On runescape how long does it take for a pair of bronze guanlets to turn into worn-out bronze gauntlets?

they get discharged ONLY on death.

How do dragon gauntlets become uncharged on runescape?

After a certain amount of use, they can be used for quite the while before they become uncharged.