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Detector rails generate redstone energy (for a redstone wire or other contraption) when a minecart is on them. You can make a simple minecart accelerator by placing rails like so:

[minecart rail][detector rail][powered rail][powered rail][detector rail][minecart rail]

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Q: What are detector rails for on minecraft?
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How do you make a railway in minecraft?

You would need rails, detector rails, power rails, and minecarts.

Can you use redstone dust to power minecart in minecraft?

No. But there was a recent update for detector rails and booster rails. detector rails use redstone to make sensors that trigger things. For example when the cart passes over a track tnt will explode. Booster rails increase the speed.

Do you have to have tracks to make a minecart go on minecraft?

There are three types of tracks: Rails Powered Rails Detector Rails A cart will only be placed if you are looking at a type of rail. After you place it, you can push it around on the grass or sand

How do you use Power Rails in MinecrafT?

have the rails along your track but you must use normal rails to turn corners. Now put redstone Next to the rails and then a lever/button or somthing to work it, i think detector rails work aswell but not sure how. Now you have your power rails:D

When you put your minecart on the powered track on minecraft it just speeds off what should i do?

minecarts can be used on rails and for powered rails, first, put a detector rail before the powered rail, then once the minecart is detected, it powers the rail.

How do you make rails in minecraft pocket edition?

You can't

How do you connect rails in minecraft?

WHen you place 2 rails next to each other on the ground, they should connect

How do you make curved rails on minecraft?

curved rails automatically happen if you put the put the blocks in diagonally

Can powered rails turn in minecraft?

No. Powered Rails just accelerate a minecart. If something tries to move the block they are on, they will 'pop' out.

How do you make a rail in Minecraft classic?

There are no rails and minecarts in Minecraft Classic.

What is the tornado detector used for in minecraft tornadoes mod?

Detecting tornados

How do you make bouster rails in Minecraft?

6 gold ingots 1 redstone