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curved rails automatically happen

if you put the put the blocks in diagonally

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Q: How do you make curved rails on minecraft?
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How do you get rail to curve in Minecraft?

Rails curve when there are two rails placed at right angles to it. So if you form an L shape, the corner one will be curved.

How do you make a railway in minecraft?

You would need rails, detector rails, power rails, and minecarts.

How do you make a curved shape on Minecraft?

You can't get a curved shape on minecraft. Everything is squared.

How do you make rails in minecraft pocket edition?

You can't

How do you make bouster rails in Minecraft?

6 gold ingots 1 redstone

How do you make a rail in Minecraft classic?

There are no rails and minecarts in Minecraft Classic.

How do you get a roller coaster in Minecraft?

make some rails and powered rails put them how you please with power rails every once and a while. make a minecart and place it on the rails then jump in and your ready too go! (if that was not the best answer goto youtube and look it up)

How do you make a minecartmove in Minecraft?

You have to make a rail track (with powered rails) put the mine cart on the rail and nudge it.

Do you have to have tracks to make a minecart go on minecraft?

There are three types of tracks: Rails Powered Rails Detector Rails A cart will only be placed if you are looking at a type of rail. After you place it, you can push it around on the grass or sand

How do you make rails go up walls on minecraft?

It is not possible in the current official release of Minecraft to make rails go strait up walls. The steepest a rail can go up is one block at a time. It would be possible with a mod to allow rails to travel up walls, but there is no way without a mod.

Can you use redstone dust to power minecart in minecraft?

No. But there was a recent update for detector rails and booster rails. detector rails use redstone to make sensors that trigger things. For example when the cart passes over a track tnt will explode. Booster rails increase the speed.

How do you connect rails in minecraft?

WHen you place 2 rails next to each other on the ground, they should connect