Invincible, unlimited SP and unlimited money
There are no cheat codes in Webkinz
Yes, webkinz does have webkinz cheat codes!
helicoptor cheat codes for vice city and
sonic xs cheat codes
No there are not cheat codes on WWE 13
I'm afraid not sorry!
No there are no cheat codes for this game
Cheat codes: getalife cheat codes: getalife
Yes there are some last chaos hacks here is the link:
Chaos Black is a hacked version of Pokemon firered so u can use almost all the same codes you use for firered in chaos black idk if warp codes and encounter codes will work for it though.
Oh I Know I really have no idea
there is no cheat
Well.... there are some trainers but I don't think that there are any cheat codes or tricks if that is what you were wondering.