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check your national pokedex check :)

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Q: What are all the names of the Pokemon you can see in the Pokemon Pearl?
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Related questions

How do you get the pokeradar on Pokemon Pearl?

You need to see all Pokemon in sinnoh

Where are all the Pokemon Diamond?

there are 150 kinds of Pokemon that you can see and/or obtain. Unless you have friend trade you Pokemon that you can only get in pearl to you, you'll never obtain them all. In Pokemon diamond and pearl all you have to do is see the Pokemon and you get its data unlike the older versions where you have to obtain them.

Where are all Pokemon in pearl?

check's pokedex it shows you all the Pokemon if you type the in the Pokemon you want to see.

Get all Pokemon on Pearl?

you see all Pokemon then click the pokedex then see the Pokemon you want then click area on the pokedex hoped i didnt helped

What Pokemon do you have to see to get the national pokedex in Pokemon pearl?

you have to see all of them. i had trouble finding a wormadam holding trainer.

How do you get national pokedex on pearl?

You have to see all the Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex.

What is an easy way to see all 150 Pokemon on pearl?

By Trading.

How do you see all Pokemon on pearl?

You battle people or look for them in the wild

How do you see every Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

Battle Every Single Character in the Game to meet all the Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl.

What Pokemon can you get with pearl inserted in your ds on Pokemon Pearl?

You can get the Pokemon in Sinnoh. If you go to, you can see them.

Pokemon Pearl how do you release the three legendary Pokemon?

on Pokemon pearl you only see 1

What is the easiest way to see all the Pokemon in pearl?

Get an Action Replay and select 100% Pokemon on pokedex.