You don't. You must mine all the way down to 16 feet or less where diamond ore will generate. You must then mine it with an iron or diamond pickaxe
Many of the larger all-in-one stores such as Target, Wal-Mart and K-mart frequently will carry tools for all kinds of craft projects. If they don't carry the specific kind you need then you may want to try craft stores such as Michael's or Jo-Ann's Fabrics since they focus solely on craft projects.
no you can download any mod for free, well at least all the ones i know
you can have split screen of up to 4 players if all 4 players have gold membership and you are playing in high definition.
No. The Amphithere can have feathers.
We all are, whether you like it or not.
yes you mine all kinds of rocks and minerals
Charlie Weasley, the oldest sibling, works in Romania with dragons.
Dragons can be any color at all. One of mine is red. They can also be blue, black or gold.
Just Yahoo/Google "minecraft WiKi" and it will give you all the information you want.
get full version if it's lite
yes Bearded Dragons can hear you talk
it not flat at all but jpgaming is a good seed with diamonds hidden
If you mean the enchantment then it makes the sword do more damage for all mobs. Can be really useful in the end.
You don't. You must mine all the way down to 16 feet or less where diamond ore will generate. You must then mine it with an iron or diamond pickaxe
All Minecraft updates are free. Once you have the game, all of the updates come at no additional cost.
you have to be in a union first of all and then you attack a crystal mine which blue almost quarry looking wild mine in the world menu and usually the mine is guarded by 3000 to 4000 devil troops all lvl 5