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no you can download any mod for free, well at least all the ones i know

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Q: Does poke mobs cost money in mine craft?
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Related questions

What are the best mine craft world seeds?

Minecraft oasis because of the mobs,abilities and biomes.

What does flame do in mine craft?

Flam can burn blocks( like,wool,woodetc.). It can also hurt mobs.

What does sharpness do In mine craft?

If you mean the enchantment then it makes the sword do more damage for all mobs. Can be really useful in the end.

Does it cost money to get a minecraft account?

No, it does not cost money to get an account, but if you want to actually play the game, you will now have to pay £17.99 to buy the actual game, but you can always play alpha 0.3 in a very basic creative mode that does not even have mobs.

Why does Minecraft last forever?

Because the purpose is to craft, build, fight mobs. It isn't an RPG and they called it a Sandbox game

What are the type of mobs in minecraft?

In Minecraft, a mob is an active object with A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). There are several different classifications of mobs in Minecraft. They are Utility Mobs, Passive Mobs, Neutral Mobs, Aggressive Mobs, and Boss Mobs. Utility Mobs are new to the game as of 1.9 Beta, when Snow Golems were added. Utility Mobs can be created by placing specific blocks in a certain arrangements. Two types of Utility Mobs are Snow Golems and Iron Golems. Passive Mobs are harmless. When attacked, they will not attack back, but may attempt to run away. A few types of Passive Mobs are Chicken, Cows, and Sheep. Aggressive Mobs are Mobs that WILL attempt to kill you, aggravated or not. Beware of Aggressive Mobs, many spawn at nighttime. Some Aggressive Mobs are the Zombie, the Skeleton, and the Creeper. Boss Mobs are new editions to the game, as of 1.9 Beta Prerelease 6. As of 1.2.5, the only official Boss Mob is the Ender Dragon. Note: Wolves can be tamed into pets with the use of bones, and Ocelots can be tamed into cats with the use of Raw Fish. Remember that Minecraft is always adding and changing mobs, so this information may not be completely accurate in the future. This information is as of 1.2.5 Official Release.

How far does a mob on mine- craft need to drop to die?

It all depends on the health of the mob. There are guides on making effective mob-drop systems to kill all mobs except flying ones on the Minecraft Wiki.

In Minecraft what is Modded Cops n Robbers?

Modded Cops and Robbers is another Mind Craft game where players can morph into any player and creature while the prison is filled with mobs. Players fight against mobs while trying to escape the prison.

Where do you find spiders on minecraft?

As long as your not in "Peaceful" mode they appear at night with the other mobs (monsters) and in caves and mine shafts.

What are all the people and mobs from mine- craft?

There are: cows, sheep, chicken, pigs, mooshrooms, villagers, iron golems, zombies, skeletons, creepers, endermen, spiders, cave spiders, spider jockeys, slimes, blazes, magma cubes, zombie pigmen, ghasts, silverfish, wolves, ocelots, snow golems, squids and the ender dragon.

What is the difference between minecraft classic and alpha?

In classic you cant collect and craft things. There are no mobs other then other players. There is no day and night cycle. And it is not endless. Plus more.

How do you make Lego mine craft micro mobs?

you have to get a tooth pick and dip it in pant then you youse the right colers and pant them on the peaces.(if you don't have one of the right pieces)(then carve it from another piece)(they dont ALL have to be sqare)tip:if they are blocks sqare,if you are making a chicon his/her:there feet have tobe round.(some charecters need no hands).