water(vaparion) eletrik(jolteion) fire(flarion) ice(glasion) and grass but i don't but can't find pkmn platinum
Well the weakest are umbreon and espeon because there all normal. But if i were to evolve my eevee i would evolve it into a Pokemon type i don't have or just put eevee in with a ditto boy and/or girl. actually umbreon is dark type and espeon is psychic, i would get flareon or jolteon
If you breed an Eevee with a Ditto, then you can evolute the hatchlings into the other forms
Glacion cannot be obtained at all in firered because it didn't exist yet it only exists in diamond, pearl, platinum and any game after that.
Eevee use stone to evolve
There are only a few ways to get Eevee on Pokemon Black, and all them require transfer from some other source. They are: - Trade for one on the GTS - Breed a Dream World event Eevee evolution (This will result in one with one of its normal abilities since the evolutions are all male) - Use Poketransfer to transfer one from a Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold, or Soulsilver game Unfortunately, these are the only ways to obtain an Eevee at this point. And if you didn't do the event on the official Pokemon website, then the Dream World event option is lost to you. Sorry.
you can get them all in Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum
go to hearthrome city there in one house bebe will be there she will give you eevee
Im not sure i do know that it has some Pokemon from all of the generations
eevee,i think vulpix,and that's all i can think of srry.
your in the same boat as me my eevee is level 70 all i do is give her an everstone that you can find in the underground if your playing Pokemon diamond or pearl ~megapikachu~ You can press the B button when its evolving. Eevee Blue
yes yes yes
pichu to pikachu happiny to chansey golbat to crobat eevee to umbreon (night) eevee to espeon (day) That is all I know. Hope I helped! (Actually, golbat evolves when it has full loyalty and trust with its trainer.)
Hmm Eevee, Growlithe, Vulpix. That's all, if I remember correctly. Correct if any more.
You need to trade with pearl and diamond for leafeon and glaceon. The 5 other forms are all attainable within soulsilver.
Well the weakest are umbreon and espeon because there all normal. But if i were to evolve my eevee i would evolve it into a Pokemon type i don't have or just put eevee in with a ditto boy and/or girl. actually umbreon is dark type and espeon is psychic, i would get flareon or jolteon
Pokemon List for Fire Stone: Evolve Growlithe to an Arcanine Evolve Vulpix to a Nintales Evolve Eevee to a Flareon That's all.
Well I can't name all of them but there is in sinnoh pokedex: Pikachu, Misdraveus, Murkrow, Snorunt (Female), Kirlia (Male), Eevee, Roselia, Togetic. Some of these are national pokedex in Diamond/Pearl but in Platinum they're all sinnoh.