There are only a few ways to get Eevee on Pokemon Black, and all them require transfer from some other source. They are:
- Trade for one on the GTS
- Breed a Dream World event Eevee evolution (This will result in one with one of its normal abilities since the evolutions are all male)
- Use Poketransfer to transfer one from a Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold, or Soulsilver game
Unfortunately, these are the only ways to obtain an Eevee at this point. And if you didn't do the event on the official Pokemon website, then the Dream World event option is lost to you. Sorry.
make evee touch it and it will evolve
That's easy. All you have to do is use a ice stone on it.
To get vaporion give evee a water get flerion give evee a fire stone. to get joltion give evee a thunther stone and that is all for Pokemon leaf fire and and water
Evee is not availiable in Pokemon Sapphire.
make evee touch it and it will evolve
You can't catch an Eevee in the wild. You have to transfer it or trade for it.
the evoltion pokemon evee is 2,6 and is very rare to catch on pokemon white,black,white2,black2.
no you can not catch evee in pokemon yellow but someone will give it to you
That's easy. All you have to do is use a ice stone on it.
Evee can be obtained only from firered and leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
Evee + Ditto in daycare
To get vaporion give evee a water get flerion give evee a fire stone. to get joltion give evee a thunther stone and that is all for Pokemon leaf fire and and water
No but you start with two evee forms: Umbreon and Espeon.
you can't
Pikachu,eevee,and if you have Pokemon black or white you can evolve a Pokemon called electrik to Elecktross using a Thunderstone