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dude start from episode 373!

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Q: What are all the episodes that Team Magma appear in?
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Where do you go after Mossdeep City?

well, you follow route 26 and look for the team magma recruits. once you find them they will lead you into a cave. battle all of the magma grunts and once you have beaten all of them you will go on to battle the team magma executive. if you beat him all of team magma will retreat and you can pass through to willowsberg. hope this helped D

Where is team magma's hideout Pokemon ruby?

to get into team magmas hide out you must have the magma symbol!!!!!!!!!any other question just ask meIf u don't have the magma symbol then you get it on top of mount pyre. If u have got it all you have to do is go down mount chimney on the walking path and it should open up while your walking by!Good luck!

Where do you go after meteor falls?

You go to the mountain with the stairs that has the cave. Once you get up there you take a right and find that Team Magma left there post to guard the passage way to lavaridge town. Once you get up there you will find team magma fighting team aqua.You fight all of team magma until you find the boss.When you beat the boss go to the machine and get the item. Then you go back and find the person who got robbed by team magma. After that go find the place with the town and fight the Gym leader.May will give you goggles and you can explore the dessert in route 111. After your done exploring the dessert you go back to petalburg to fight your dad. You can figure ou the rest when you beat your dad

Can you turn into team Magma or Aqua on Pokemon Emerald?

Yes you need to catch a Rayquaza then talk to the team Magma guy at Mt. Chimney. When you have Rayquaza first in your party then he will say "Nice Rayquaza can I have it."Then he will battle you and he has a Lv.100 Mightyena.If you beat him he will jump into the Volcano (Mt. Chimney) Then you need a Pokemon that knows the move dig. then use it while facing the volcano and then you will jump in. You will be in Team Magma's base.Although there is another entry to it. The guy that jumped in will be there then he will say."Wait! are you a member of Team Magma? Then say "No" then he will say "Do you want to take the quiz?" then say "Yes\ then write "Magma Volcano" DONT INCLUDE THE QUOTATION MARKS!!!!!!!! If you get it wrong, you have to start your game again. If you want to be in Team Magma.That's what my cousins friend said to me.I tried it and it works don't tell me if it doesn't work.I don't know how to get in to Team Aqua thought. Sorry about all the / I cant get rid of them.

What do you do after you beat team magma leader in the volcano?

Go buy a red or blue version. Catch a mewtwo. You'll instantly be cooler than all your friends.

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How do you make vines drop to get into team magma hideout in mauville city?

First of all that's not magma's hideout someone drew on the sign Team magma rules! Use the move secret power on the tree to make vines appear.

Where do you go after Mossdeep City?

well, you follow route 26 and look for the team magma recruits. once you find them they will lead you into a cave. battle all of the magma grunts and once you have beaten all of them you will go on to battle the team magma executive. if you beat him all of team magma will retreat and you can pass through to willowsberg. hope this helped D

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How do you open magma cave hideout?

You get the magma emblem from mt.pyre and after you have beaten all team aquas the old lady should give you a magma emblem. After that go to the lift and go down all the ditches and it should open.

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How do you get team magma out of the way in Pokemon emerald?

go inside the place with a boat and talk to the man by the blueprints he will say somethin about captain stern. then go inside the museum and go upstairs and talk to the man by the boat and the all of a sudden two people from team magma comes up and battle you. when you beat both of the,team magma leader,maxie will come up.

What is the place called that you get Groudon in and how do you get the place in Pokemon mystery dungeon blue?

You get groudon on the third floor of magma cavern pit after completing 23 floors of magma cavern. You can unlock magma cavern after you complete your rescue team base and after all the rescue teams are gathered in Pokemon square to resue alakazam's team.

Who are all of the Poke'mon bad guy team names?

The Bad Guys: 1. Team Rocket 2. Team Aqua* 3. Team Magma* 4. Team Galactic*A way to tell Team Aqua and Team Magma aprat is that Team Aqua members are in Kyogre-Design outfits. Team Magma are in Groudon-Design outfits. Team Rocket are just guys in black and white with big red "R"s in their snirts and they usually have red or blue hair. Team Galactic is the same, exept evry member either has blue, red or purple hair and have yellow "G"s on their shirts. I hope I helped!