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Here's a list of characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog games in alphabetical order:

Amy Rose

Babylon Rogues

  • Jet the Hawk
  • Storm the Albatross
  • Wave the Swallow

Big the Cat

  • Froggy

Blaze the Cat




  • Charmy Bee
  • Espio the Chameleon
  • Mighty the Armadillo
  • Vector the Crocodile

Cream the Rabbit

  • Cheese the Chao
  • Vanilla the Rabbit

Doctor Eggman (Robotnik)

  • Eggman Nega
  • EggRobo

E-100 Series

  • E-100 Alpha (ZERO)
  • E-102 Gamma
  • E-123 Omega
  • Other robots

Fang the Sniper


Guardian Units of Nations

Knuckles the Echidna

Maria Robotnik

Metal Sonic

Miles "Tails" Prower



Professor Gerald Robotnik

Rouge the Bat

Shadow the Hedgehog

Silver the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog

Tikal the Echidna

The first characters are Sonic the Hedgehog and Doctor Robotnic (later called Dr Egghead), from the very first game, in which Robotnik had trapped animals from the forest in his robot henchmen.

The next character to join the series is Miles "Tails" Prower, in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, in which a second player could control Tails. Metal Sonic also makes his/it's first appearance.

After that Knuckles the Echidna joined in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. He is the protector of Angel Island and the Master Emerald kept there, and he sets off a trap to prevent Sonic's advance in the forest. Eventually he becoms an ally to Sonic.

Some new characters are introduced in Knuckle's Chaotix.

A bunch of new characters appeared in Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast.

Among them, Chaos is the first one you see ( in the opening sequence). You also meet omochao and the chaos ( not to be confused with Chaos :P) for the first time.

Some new playable characters are available, Big the Cat ( along with him Froggy), Amy Rose and the E-102 Gamma robot. You also meet Tikal the Echidna, a spiritual help to Knuckles.

In Sonic Adventure 2 once again new characters are introduced.

Sonic's rival Shadow the Hedgehog is a biological experiment to produce the ultimate lifeform. He is confused for Sonic in the beginning of the game. His only friend while in the research facility was Maria Robotnik, who rescued him and motivated him to fight for man kind. He was created by Professor Gerald Robotnik in an attempt to cure his granddaughter Maria.

Rouge the Bat is a new playable character who at first glance seems to join Dr. Eggman just for a chance to steal some valuable jewels. She is however working as an undercover agent for the president.

There are some new chaos, like the doctor, psychic, teacher and merchant in the black market. These aren't recurring characters though.

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