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Not All the Characters but a Few...

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Q: Is there a dress up website for all Sonic the Hedgehog characters?
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Is there a website where you can dress up the boy sonic characters?

I know that if you search on the website '' and search Gen's furry doll maker, and click on the male one, you can create your own characters, or make the original characters and choose shirts/underwear and other accesories.

Is Sonic and his friends real?

Well, sort of. They basically are kinda of made-up characters. People can dress like them, but that doesn't mean they're real. The real part is the voice actors that play them in the show.

How do you dress like shadow the hedgehog?

no, but for Halloween yeah... "HOW" do you dress like shadow the hedgehog

What is Amy rose look like?

She's a pink hedgehog with quills that are down. She has red and white dress and boots. She has green eyes and a red headband. She looked different in Sonic CD

What sonic issue does Rouge wears a dress?

Sonic generations

How you can be Sonic?

dress in blue!

Dress up ideas for the letter S?

santa, sonic the hedgehog, schoolgirl, sailor, sailor moon, spiderman, superwoman/man, spongbob square pants, sexy or slutty something, stripper, smurf

How do you dress up like Sonic the Hedgehog?

Try wearing long spiky blue hair (or something that looks like it), with blue facepaint, a true blue long sleeved shirt and pants, white gloves, and red shoes

Fancy dress characters starting with L?

Luke Skywalker and Lancelot are fancy dress characters. Little Red Riding Hood and Little Bo Peep are fancy dress characters.

Sonic rivals how to dress up?

When selecting character press Triangle

Who does Amy the hedgehog like?

shes pink and wears a red dress hmm..cameron diaz?

Who is Amy Rose?

In Sonic, Amy Rose is a female Hedgehog with green eyes and a red and a little bit of white dress. Amy always says she is Sonic's girlfriend. Even though she's not. Amy is a fan girl of Sonic the hedgehog. She gets angry whenever Sonic misses a date with her or if someone hurts Sonic. Amy can be rough but she can also be very kind and sweet. Her best friends are Tails, Cream, Knuckles, etc. Amy can bake, she was in many sonic games and she always asks Sonic something with the words "Marry me" and/or "Go on a date with me" She chases Sonic around and has one hell of a grip. Amy has the ability to make a giant hammer called the piko piko hammer appear out of nowhere and she starts smashing her enemies's stuff or head or whatever part of their body.